About Us
The Grace Baptist church was founded by missionaries from the United States of America around 1946.When the church became independent in the 1960s, it called its first local pastor, Mr. Joseph Fevrier, who was at the time the assistant pastor at the East London Tabernacle in England.
Pastor Feverier was the first local pastor to preach the doctrines of grace and several young men, including the current pastor of the Grace Baptist church profited from his teachings.
After pastor Fevrier left Grace Baptist in 1975 to take up the pastorate at another Baptist church, the teachings of the doctrines of grace declined under several pastors who were of Arminian and pre-millenium persuasion.
In 1995, the church called its current pastor and since that time the church has returned to a Calvinistic and amillenium position.
During that time the church also adopted the 1689 Baptist Confession of faith and continues to faithfully proclaim the gospel of Christ and teach the doctrines of grace.
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